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Source from EverVeda |
Assalamualaikum semua. Baru-baru saya ada terbaca berita luar negara iaitu Now88NEWS yang menyatakan bahawa Planet Zuhal akan dapat dilihat dengan lebih jelas pada 1 Jun 2016 ini. Rasa teruja pula bila mendengar berita ni sebab jarang-jarang berlaku fenomena sebegini. Planet Zuhal ini merupakan planet yang keenam dari Matahari. Ia juga planet kedua terbesar selepas Planet Musytari. Planet Zuhal, Musytari, Uranus dan Neptun diklasifikasikan sebagi planet gergasi bergas. Nama Planet Zuhal adalah berasal daripada bahasa Arab manakala dalam bahasa Inggeris ia disebut sebagai Planet Saturn.
Zuhal merupakan sebuah planet yang unik kerana mempunyai satu sistem gelang ataupun cecincin yang utama terdiri kebanyakannya dari air batu dengan sejumlah kecil serpihan batuan dan debu. Sebanyak enam puluh bulan-bulan mengorbit planet berkenaan. Titan, bulan Zuhal yang terbesar (selepas Ganymede), yang merupakan bulan yang lebih besar dari planet Utarid dan ia merupakan satu-satunya bulan di dalam Sistem Solar yang mempunyai kemudahan atmosfera.
Ini adalah sedutan daripada berita Now88NEWS
NASA has confirmed that on June 1st, Saturn will be closer to
Earth than it has been in over 10,000 years, with a spectacle that will
be “unlike any other” astronomical sight people have seen.
“Saturn does not often come this close to Earth, and this will be a
sight no one currently living has ever seen,” said NASA spokesman George
Pooler. “We are extremely excited to be able to better study this
planet, but also that people will be able to get a glimpse of an
amazing, ringed planet, which is not something normally able to happen.”
Pooler says that NASA hopes to be able to see the opposite side of
Saturn as it rotates by, something that they have never been able to
photograph previously.
“In 1930, Saturn came very close, but not as close as it will come
this time,” said Pooler. “We have some images of Saturn from the last
rotation, but this will be an amazing sight that will blow the last time
out of the water”.
“We are expecting this worldwide spectacle on June 1st 2016, we will
be able to see Saturn here in the United States at 4:45PM EST and in the
United Kingdom at 9:45PM EST”.
Get your cameras ready, as this will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Credit for Now88NEWS
Other source from Wikipedia: Zuhal
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